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Terms & Conditions

Below all of terms and conditions are listed to set how the company operates. Appendix section at the bottom indicates what services are excluded and what essentials we require to list the property on SLP platforms. 

1. Definitions

In this agreement some terms are used regularly. These are capitalized and are defined as follows:

The company reserves the right to change or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Upon such changes, each and every client will be notified via email.

"Booking platforms" which include but are not limited to Airbnb, Homeaway, and other websites as chosen by us. In cases where a guest makes a reservation directly with Smarthost, we will extend the concept of SLP to that reservation.

"Property" is the Host’s property or other property as agreed between Smarthost and the Host from time to time;

“Guest" refers to a guest (guests) who is renting the Property through one of the Booking platforms Websites;

“Availability Period” – the period for which the Property is available to be occupied by guests;

“Cleaning Fee” – the amount charged for cleaning and preparing the Property for occupation by a Guest (includes cleaning and linen, does not include cleaning products);

“Excluded Services” – services that Smarthost does not provide as part of this agreement. These services are listed further in this agreement (Appendix A);

“Extra Maintenance Services” – services that are not covered by Smarthost’s Services as part of this agreement but can be arranged by Smarthost at an extra charge. This includes deep cleaning, carpet cleaning/shampoo, mould removal, pest control, oven and refrigerator cleaning, external window cleaning, balcony cleaning, wall painting, various handyman services, serious plumbing, electrical or gas works;

"Fee" – the amount charged by Smarthost in accordance with clause 6 of this agreement;

"Services" – the short let management services described in clause 2 of this agreement;

"Listing" – Property advertisement on any Booking platform;

"Payout" – the complete payment made by the Guest for a reservation, plus any charges for cleaning or damage compensation, as well as any applicable service fees and taxes imposed by the booking platform or card processing fee.

2. Services provided by Smarthost

2.1 In exchange of the Fee the Host pays to us, we shall provide the following services to the Host:

2.1.1 Organising the photoshoot, to take photos of the Property for listings. If the host’s existing photos are not suitable for listing, a professional photoshoot will be organised.

2.1.2 Writing up property listing and optimising it across various Booking platforms with full control and discretion. We shall select the Booking platforms to list on unless the Host tells us otherwise;

2.1.3 Managing the pricing and availability calendar across various Booking platforms as we deem fit. The Hosts agrees that Smarthost has the expertise to make pricing decisions and is therefore not required to consult with the host before accepting a booking from a Guest or setting the price for any Bookings. However, we will bear in mind any requirements that the Host has informed us about regarding monthly income expectations and/or preferences around type of Guests;

2.1.4 Responding to any enquiries raised by Guests in relation to Listings and managing all communications with the Guests including any disputes that may arise;

2.1.5 Accepting or declining booking at the sole discretion on behalf of client.

2.1.6 Provide housekeeping and linen service only once at the end of each Guest’s stay;

2.1.7 Remotely coordinating urgent repairs or maintenance works to the Property if and only if required to ensure complete Guest satisfaction;

2.1.8 Provide each Guest with check-in instructions in due time and assist Guest in obtaining keys should they need help, depending on the type of key management system.

The Host agrees that we shall not provide the Excluded Services as part of this agreement. If the Host needs any Excluded Services we can discuss them as and when needed and agree to arrange them for the Host at an extra cost plus our expenses.

2.2 All correspondence with guests is handled exclusively by Smarthost. Property owners, co-hosts or third parties do not have access to our hosting accounts.

2.3 Managing the dispute resolution process with all Booking Platforms to the best of their ability, however, it cannot be guaranteed that payouts will be received from the Booking Platforms.

3. Host Obligations

3.1 In order to allow us to provide the Services set out in this agreement the Host agrees that the Host will:

3.1.1 Provide us with complete, accurate and timely information about the Property and any other information reasonably requested by us. It is host’s responsibility to ensure that we have all the information needed to operate and maintain the Property and look after the safety of each Guest;

3.1.2 Provide Smarthost with a minimum of three sets of keys to the Property. In case the Host provides less than three sets of keys, the Host authorizes Smarthost to make copies of the keys to the Property and invoice the Host accordingly. Ownership of the keys belongs to the Host, and the keys shall be returned to the Host upon the termination of this Agreement.

3.1.3 Provide all the items set out in the essentials checklist (see Appendix B). If these are not provided, we will buy these and charge the host the cost plus reasonable expenses;

3.1.4 Maintain the Property at all times which includes doing repairs as soon as possible upon request by Smarthost or refunding Smarthost for any repairs;

3.1.5 Pay all utilities, council tax, municipal and third party accounts including internet, cable, alarm, garden maintenance services, etc unless other arrangements are in place.

3.1.6 Comply with all legal requirements applicable to a landlord in the UK including but not limited to fire safety regulations, gas and electrical safety etc.;

3.1.7 Remove or lock away any expensive and fragile items at the Property and let us know about any particularly fragile or sensitive areas at the Property that the Host want us to bear in mind;

3.1.8 Empty the fridge, kitchen and bathroom cabinets and at least 1 drawer in a wardrobe for Guest use;

3.1.9 Cooperate fully with us in the provision of the Services and pay our Fee and other costs when due.

4. Availability Period and Minimum Agreement

4.1 The Host will make the Property available short let bookings for a recommended period of at least 6 weeks. The Host  may change the initial Availability Period with our prior consent.

4.2 The Host may extend the initial Availability Period by giving us notice at any time and any extension shall be as agreed between us from time to time in the initial Availability Period.

4.3 The breaking closure for both parties is one month. In case of an effective immediate Contract termination, the Host accepts the charge of £500 early termination fee plus the cancellation fees that may be applied by short let platforms.  

Additionally, Smarthost holds the right to charge the Host the equivalent of lost commission for each booking within this month.

Any outstanding payment payable to Smarthost shall be immediately after the effective termination date.

4.4 Applicable only for full time clients. Clients who book the property for their own use for more than three weeks during the calendar year will be charged £5.99 per day.

5. Cancellation or Refunds of Bookings

5.1 If the Host cancels or cause a Guest to cancel any Booking or if we are required to refund a part of a Booking, the Host shall be required to pay the following charges:

(a) the Booking platforms cancellation charges, if applicable;

(b) any charges levied by payment processing sites for refunds, if applicable; and

(c) Smarthost Fee for that Booking in its entirety.

5.2 For the avoidance of doubt, “causing a Guest to cancel a Booking” shall include any situation where a Booking is canceled due to that Property being uninhabitable due to lack of heating, hot water, plumbing, electricity and wifi or due to gas leaks, water leaks, rodents, pests, lack of cleanliness or other such serious deficiencies.

5.3 If a Guest cancels the reservation due to personal reasons, no payout will be added to the host’s report for such reservations. A compensation, if any, will only be applied to the payout at the discretion of Smarthost:

● 100% payout for all nights (minus Smarthost commission) for cancellations made less than 48 hours before check-in.

● 50% payout for all nights (minus Smarthost commission) for cancellations made between 48 hours and 5 days before check-in, there will be no payout if another reservation is received after the cancellation.

● For cancellations made 14 or more days before check-in, there will be no payout.

6. Fee and Payment

6.1 Our Fees shall be:

(a) Onboarding fee – dependant on plan


(b) Commission (as defined in an initial agreement) of the Payout. VAT shall be added as appropriate.

6.2 We will collect the Payout from each Guest and will pay the Host (in arrears) on a monthly basis. The Host authorizes us to deduct our Fees (in accordance with these terms) and any other fees or expenses incurred by us on the Host’s behalf from the Payout before transferring the balance to a bank account of Host’s choice (any charges levied for transfers to an account other than to a UK bank will be borne by the Host).

6.3 The Cleaning Fee for each Booking shall be paid to us. Where a booking platform does not have a separate provision for charging Cleaning Fees to the Guest, the Pay-out shall be adjusted so as to take into account the Cleaning Fee.

6.4 We reserve the right to change the Cleaning fee to the Guest at any time without prior notice.

6.5 We are only obliged to pay the Host the Payout once we have actually received it from the Booking platforms.

6.6 Short Let platforms fee - Airbnb service fee is 15% per booking. This is an industry-standard pro-management company fee that the platform charges us. This is higher than what a private host would be charged as we generate a greater income and operate as a professional Airbnb management company within London.

6.7 Any resolution payouts will be subject to a Smarthost commission (see clause 8.7)

7. Extra Charges

7.1 In addition to the Fee stated above, the only other extra charges that will apply are as follows:

7.1.1. Photography shoot, if the Host cancels or postpones this photo shoot with less than 48 hours notice, or if we need to re-take photos due to the Property not being reasonably ready as discussed, we reserve the right to charge the Host an additional £125 (plus any applicable VAT) to cover the cost of an additional photo shoot;

7.1.2. If the Host chooses to stay in the apartment during the Availability Period, we will clean the apartment after Host’s stay and charge the cost of the cleaning to the Host unless told otherwise (see Appendix C for details);

7.1.3. In case of emergency or if a Host agrees to send one of our maintenance personnel to assist Guests on a regular basis, a standard visit fee of £75 plus VAT will be charged. (see clause 8 on Maintenance below for details)

7.1.4. Smarthost will apply a charge of 30% on the cost of any protracted maintenance, refurbishment or building works.

7.1.5. Smarthost charges a £20 service fee if it collects an item from a designated collection point on behalf of the Host. This fee covers transportation and handling costs. The charge for large objects may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each instance, and therefore it must be communicated separately in each case.

7.1.6. For stays 14 days and longer, an additional £30 fee will be applied for a deep cleaning service to maintain the property's cleanliness and hygiene standards. It is important to note that the host will bear this additional cost.

7.1.7. Cleaning products purchased for cleaning are not included in the cleaning fee. There will be an additional charge for the purchase of cleaning supplies in your monthly report. The amount will fluctuate each month depending on the size of the property and number of reservations.

8. Property Maintenance and Expenses  

8.1 The Host shall be responsible for major maintenance and shall ensure that the property is in a good condition for Guest use.

8.2 The Host shall also be responsible for wear and tear of the Property.

8.3 Smarthost may at times suggest compulsory improvements at the property (for reasons such as, but not limited to, valid guest complaints or health and safety concerns). The Host must agree to make the improvement. The Host accepts that the cost that would arise from such actions will be duly deducted from the payment to the Host or the Host will perform improvements independently.  Failure to do so will result in the listing being suspended by Smarthost and/or closure of the account with at least one month written notice. Any confirmed bookings in the future and outside of the notice period will be subject to a cancellation fee per booking and a cancellation commission.

8.4 To ensure the highest experience for Guests, Smarthost reserves the rights to incur the expenses up to £250 (for each emergency) on the Host’s behalf in order to perform any urgent repairs or maintenance.

8.4.1 In case of an emergency or if a Host agrees to send one of our maintenance personnel to assist Guests on a regular basis, a standard visit fee of £75 plus VAT will be charged.

8.5 Smarthost will not be taking any significant repairs without the Host’s prior consent, except under extenuating circumstances where there is a major safety hazard to life or Property.

8.6 For any maintenance visits or specialists that Smarthost arranges, a 20% +VAT commission will be charged on top of the specialist fee.

8.7 Smarthost has the right to use funds paid by Booking platforms for damage incurred during a Guest's stay to repair it and not include the expense on the income report. In the event of Smarthost not being able to repair damages, the resolution payout will be added to the income report excluding Smarthost commission.

9. Liability and other

9.1 The Host understands and agrees that Smarthost does not act as an insurer and that the Host shall obtain the appropriate insurance for the Property and its contents. Smarthost will not be liable, if a resolution claim for damages is denied or not paid out to the Host by the Booking platform.

9.2 The Host agrees and understands that we are not providing investment advice or real estate advice and that the Host shall make their own independent decision on whether short-letting is the right solution.

9.3 Smarthost spares no effort to attract the bookings, nevertheless cannot guarantee any particular income.

9.4 Smarthost will not be responsible for any lost opportunities or for lack of reservations due to any reason. Nor is Smarthost liable for the suitability of the Guests given that we rely upon the verification standards of the Booking platforms and the relevant profile pages to assess suitability.

9.5 Smarthost will not be responsible for the condition, safety or security of the Property. The Host is solely responsible for such conditions, safety and security and compliance with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Property.

9.6 Smarthost is not liable from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses including (without limitation) reasonable legal fees, arising out of, or in connection with, any breach by the Host of this agreement or the terms of any agreement the Host may have in place with the Booking platforms from time to time.

9.7 Smarthost will not be liable for the provision of services by third parties (any “Third Party Supplier”) including those who provide the Extra Maintenance Services or any other repair services that Smarthost books on the Host’s behalf. Smarthost will ensure that its Third Party Suppliers are selected with reasonable care and skill.

9.8 Smarthost will not be liable for any delays/failure in performing any of our obligations, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control such as shortages, severe weather, power or other utility cut-off, burglary, natural disaster, strikes, governmental action, terrorism, war, civil unrest or other similar occurrences.

9.9  In no event shall Smarthost be liable for exemplary, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages or for any business, financial or economic loss such as lost reputation, lost bargain, lost profit or loss of anticipated savings arising out of or resulting from this agreement and whether such loss arises as a result of negligence, breach of contract, tort or otherwise by us or any agent, employee or third party providing services on our behalf (including a Third Party Supplier) except to the extent the foregoing limitation is prohibited by applicable law.

10. Host’s private bookings

10.1. In case the Host suspends the bookings with Smarthost for any period of time, the Host will be responsible for:

10.1.1 Contacting guests directly, collecting the payment

10.1.2 Smarthost will not be liable for any damages or matters incurred during the Host's private reservation.

11. Changes

Smarthost reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. Smarthost will provide you with a notice on any new terms taking effect. By continuing to use our Services after those revisions become effective, you agree to the revised terms.

12. Cleaning of Property

12.1. The Host shall not substitute or appoint any other cleaner or cleaning contractor to perform any cleans.

12.2 Standard Cleaning service includes:

● Cleaning and dusting of all visible and reachable surfaces

● Vacuuming the carpets and mopping internal floors

● Cleaning the bathrooms, sinks, toilets and mirrors

● Surface cleaning the kitchen

● Washing unclean dishware, glassware and cutlery

● Making up the beds with fresh linens

● Damage Reports - Smarthost’s appointed cleaner will make their best effort attempt to spot visible damages, however this doesn’t guarantee that all damages will be reported

● Unless otherwise explicitly directed by the Host, all perishables will be disposed of

● Emptying indoor bins

● Watering indoor plants (only on the day of the clean)

12.3 An occasional deep cleaning will be done after long reservations.

Appendix A

Excluded Services
SMARTHOST does not provide the following services as part of this agreement:

-  Deep cleans including sofa, carpet and other upholstery cleaning;
-  Co-ordinating structural or major repairs or maintenance works on the Property;
-  External window washing;
-  Washing walls or repainting them;
-  Furniture treatment;
-  Animal waste removal;
-  Gardening, garden shed cleaning, patio cleaning;
-  Mould and/or bio-hazardous substance removal;
-  Industrial cleaning;
-  The lifting of heavy furniture;
-  Cleaning surfaces above arms reach;
-  Cleaning of heavily soiled areas;
-  Extermination (insects etc.);
-  Yard work or garage cleaning.
-  Ironing

Appendix B

“Ready for Guest”Checklist
Note: Items marked with * are a must have essentials and must be provided by the host. If these are not provided, Smarthost reserves the right to buy these and charge the Host for them.

Bedroom Essentials 
Mattress protector*
Blackout curtains*
Space to hang/store clothes*

Bedroom Furnishings
4 large pillows per double bed
Extra cushions, duvets
Bed throw
Bedside lamps
Wall decor

Kitchen Facilities
Cafetiere or coffee machine
Large Bin with cover
Cutting knives
Chopping board
Can opener
Bottle opener

Kitchen Essentials
Cooking basics: salt, pepper, olive oil; optional sugar and spices
Dishes and silverware per guest:
2 plates*
2 bowls*
2 coffee mugs*
2 glasses*
2 wine glasses*
2 forks*
2 regular spoons*
2 teaspoons*
2 knives*
Frying pans, saucepans and stock-pots in basic sizes*

Living Room Essentials 
Sofa/ Sofabed*
Coffee table*
TV + aerial cable (free view or Sky, AppleTV etc)*

Living Room Furnishings
Wall art
Floor lamp
Home plants
Dining table and chairs
Books and board games

Bathroom Essentials
Shower curtains if necessary*
Small bin with cover*
Toilet brush*

Bathroom Furnishings
Toilet roll holder
Rack or cabinet space for towels and guests’ toiletries

Cleaning Essentials
 Mop and Bucket 
A functional Vacuum cleaner 
Dustpan & brush 
Cleaning cloths 
Multi-surface cleaner 
Dusting cloths 
Surface cleaner 
Surface polish 
Floor cleaner 
Drain unblocker 
Harpic for toilet & bathroom  
Oven cleaner 
Glass cleaner 
Viakal limescale remover 
Washing up liquid 
Sponge scourers 
Dishwasher tablets and salts (if applicable) 
Kitchen rolls  
Toilet rolls 
Bin bags (2 rolls)

*For a nominal fee, we can quickly restock cleaning essentials and will promptly notify you of any charges.

Other Home Essentials
Iron & ironing board*
AC & portable fans*
3x sets of keys for a 1 bed; *
4x sets of keys for a 2+ bed (we can do a copy if necessary)*
Wifi with >10mps*
Clothes Stand (even if you have a tumble dryer!)*
High chair
Extra bulbs
Extra batteries
Dedicated workspace
Travel Adapter

Safety Essentials
Smoke alarm
Carbon Monoxide alarm
First aid kit
Fire extinguisher

Appendix C

Host in stay Cleaning
The following rates shall apply for cleaning and linen for host in stay cleaning:

- £20/hour for cleaning
- £20/bed for linen